New me, new blog. I have just arrived from another walk. Walking through "my" park i decided to start this all over again, maybe this way I can also start over. So... new blog... I thought in the park not to write about my feelings, but I can't promise anything. But anyway, this won't be the place where you can check on me. If you wanna know, ask me, meet me, I won't go telling, that's not me, I don't hide any secrets, not to my friends. So I won't have any problems to tell you how am i feeling or how am i doing, what's going in my life, but I'll try not to write it here. I expect nothing. No comments, no readers, write me if u want, read me if you want to, or go directly to me. I just write to be back to the times where i used to write. 2 years ago i had so many things to say as now, and i didnt hide anything in that time, why would i do it now? And the park knows also a lot about me. Sometimes I wonder... how is Oasis doing? should I go check and tell the things that I didnt say cause it was "forbidden"? Yeap... I wont write any names, only nicks... and Oasis is not known for anyone... Oasis was my oasis in the middle of my desert, my KitKat, the one who knew more about me in those times, just chatting. My park... the one that I have walked so many times.
So now... focus on going to the City of Lakes... just to be alone, that's why i go. Cause i cant stay here, cause i need time for myself, cause i need to find something (and dont know yet what). Run away maybe? f... while i was in the park i was thinking of so many things to write and now i cant remember anything... Just that whatever i write here is true but not everything that there is. If you wanna know smth, ask me. I wont reject any friendships but i gotta go to the White Country, i hope u understand. of course many people dont understand. but right now, i have to focus on ME, only me, and work, do smth that makes me feel a bit better, find smth that i like. Cause I am smth now (dont know what though) but i dont know yet about tomorrow. Once again, dont take this blog as my whole life. Theis will be only 10% of me. The rest 90% you have to come to me if you wanna know.
I think this is all for now. But since I make the rules in this blog, I'll come back whenever I want to! keep in touch and take care.